Our Mission
· To provide students with the English languageknowledge and study skills necessary to be successful in their studies with theUniversity of Tasmania.
· To provide English language support relevant tostudents’ needs throughout their studies with the University of Tasmania.
· To equip students with the necessary Englishlanguage proficiency and related professional skills for further study andemployment after graduation.
Courses delivered by the English department
The first year course at AIEN Institute SHOU isEnglish for Academic Purposes and Study Skills; this is a preparation coursefor students who will begin studying in China with the University of Tasmaniain their second year.
The second year course offers the students Englishsupport and development while they are undertaking undergraduate studies inInformation Management & Information Systems, and Marketing. The studentsstudy Business English which is related to both Marketing and InformationSystems.
There are approximately 400 students in each year group,divided into 16 classes with approximately 18 - 26 students per class.
Curriculum and teaching materials
All courses are a blend of face-to-face and onlineactivities. The courses are mainly text-book based and also materials developedby the Director of Studies and a team of professional teachers. Each course isstructured into modules and involves ongoing assessment tasks within eachmodule, as well as mid and end-of-course tests.
Teaching sessions and facilities
All first year students have six 90 minute teachingsessions each week which are held in the classroom. The second year BusinessEnglish students have one 90 minute classroom session each week. Students arealso required to complete one online study session each week, which supportsthe face to face teaching content.
All AIEN classrooms and facilities used by theEnglish department are equipped with the technology and IT support necessary tocover a range of speaking, listening and online classes.
The Learning Process
Learning a second language is a process that needsto be reinforced by constant practice. The aim of the AIEN course at ShanghaiOcean University is for students to begin to acquire the language and studyskills they will need throughout their university career; students will acquirethese skills only by practising them. Although passing tests and written assessments is an important part ofthe AIEN course, learners should also give equal emphasis to the acquisition ofthese study skills. This means that the process of learning at AIEN is just asimportant as getting marks.
Teachers and instructors will provide all the helpnecessary for students to acquire and develop the necessary language and studyskills and to understand the learning process, as well as encouraging them tobecome motivated independent learners.
AIEN Teaching Methodology
AIEN teachers respect the study skills and learningprocess taught in Chinese schools. However, the teaching methodology of AIENteachers is different from that used in Chinese schools. Teachers encourage theclass to continue to use the strengths of the Chinese approach to learning,while at the same time introducing them to different methods of study. Studentsare required to work in pairs or groups with other students during some partsof the lesson.
AIEN teachers use an interactive, communicativeapproach to teaching English. Lessons are textbook based and include the fourmacro skills – listening, reading, speaking and writing. Teachers willintroduce other materials to help students extend the skills being taught.
AIEN Teachers
All AIEN teachers are qualified, experiencedteachers. They come from a number of different countries and therefore, speakEnglish with different accents. It is an advantage for students learningEnglish to experience listening to different accents.
AIEN Standards
AIEN strives for excellence in all activities. AIENteachers are expected to be well prepared for each teaching session and toteach to the highest standard. AIEN students are likewise expected to work tothe highest standard both in the classroom and in their independent study.
Tel. +86-21-61900799
Fax. +86-21-61900780
Email: ien@shou.edu.cn